Your smile is infectious Appa!

Your smile is infectious Appa!
   Each time you explain placing your pointing finger of left hand on forearm of the right" When you were this small I made you sleep on my chest , stroking your head within five minutes you would fall asleep after which I slide you slowly and put you by my side.How much ever you grow you ll be my little baby ".You smile after this which can't be explained but can be captured in my eyes so as to see whenever I feel like.
  I love those days when we all sat down together for dinner in the kitchen ,you get a call over landline .By the time you come back I would manage myself to put some green chillies in your food  which we had kept aside and cover .After the talk you give a ,know it all smile which says you already  know that I have done something prankish.
    Your sneer smile :when I read the novels day in and day out but never my textbooks.Even after my mom shouting top of her voice I being slept like a pig unperturbed.
 Your fake smile when I had to leave home for the first time.The  smile when I leave home after the vacation back to hostel. I can feel your Smile even over the phone call  when you inform me that there is a leave for the college.You feel happy for my Happiness.
   After my degree when mom wanted me to do my MSc and not me .I came to you and asked "Appa can I do it?It's for 2 years ".You with the pleasant smile told me "Just like the blink of your eyes two years will get over and I'm pretty sure you will never regret for it".Yes that two years just got over like the blink of an eye and I made warmest memories,golden memories with my bestie Raaaaazoo Rezzi Razeena .With the biggest Smile I come back to you and say "Appa you are always right!".
You were pleased to get me married to Sudarshana Mali as you knew he was also a Man with ocean of Patience. You ask him "I know my daughter love to have fruits when its chopped into tiny pieces and placed before her with a fork by you, Am I right?" Appa, you very well know  that if not done so it will be happily staying in the fridge forever.
 I love every memory we made.I just love your smile it can fill Spirit in me.Father is not a person its Personality! HSR Layout


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