A blessing in disguise...

 It was our final year MSc organic chemistry practical exam.We had to learn so many organic reaction and their mechanisms,by the time I reached the 5-6th equation I used to forget the rest !I decided to go through these equations only after revising other experiment.My friend Sushmitha Naik (Sussmi)had written all these equations and practiced ,I asked her that set of papers to study she said that she would give it little later,fine I waited for sometime and she gave it,she had written each equation clearly may be thrice.I was going  through those equations by then it was time to stand in attendance order to pick the token numbers,so I hurriedly put those set of papers in my record and stood.

My turn came and my token number was 1.I felt so dejected ,many thoughts popped up in my mind.What if I'm unable to write the equations,what I fail to do well in viva and so on.I said myself not to worry and to be calm.Fine the external called my number I went and sat before him.He took my record and when he opened, those papers with equations came along.I felt that I ll be screwed !

  He saw those equations and said"You practiced so much!".I said with full confidence"Yes Sir".He said "I Know you will definitely answer these questions,no doubt in it!". Battle was won even before it was fought said my mind, literally I was dancing within.He appreciated my hardwork,(Sussmiz hardwork😜)asked a few easy questions and sent me.

I had scored full marks in my Viva.


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