Error is Human?
On his 78th birthday, the college organized a grand ceremony to honor Mr. Rao, a beloved principal who was about to retire after decades of dedicated service. Though his age suggested he should be slowing down, he still carried the energy and vitality of someone in his 50s. The hall was filled with professors, lecturers, and staff—many of whom had spent more than 20 or 30 years at the institution because of Mr. Rao’s leadership. They spoke one by one, recounting stories of how he had influenced their lives, creating an atmosphere of trust, security, and mutual respect. The first story shared was one from a young accountant’s early days. Fresh out of college with a B.Com degree, he had joined a company as an accountant. Despite his inexperience, he was meticulous with his work, so much so that his accounts had no errors. His team lead, noticing this, began to take his work for granted, assuming everything would be flawless without needing thorough review. However, when the boss of ...
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